Thursday 7 February 2013

terlambat atau tidak?

سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


wah dah bersawang!...terima kasih kepada sesiapa yang tersudi buka blog ATJ nie,hehe...Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat ALLAH S.W.T masih lagi diberi umur yang panjang untuk menghirup udara yang segar lagi nyaman...:)

tersenyum seketika apabila membaca status kawan2 di facebook...alhmdulillah ramai yang belajar berubah ke arah kebaikkan dan seterusnya beristiqamah...langkah yang baik lagi diberkati...tetapi ada juga dikalangan kawan2 yang tersalah memilih jalan...mungkin terleka dengan mainan duniawi...berdoa supaya mereka diberi hidayah suatu hari nanti, amin...hari nie aku banyak surf vlog2 dan blog2 dakwah yang memberi 1001 manfaat...wah, hebat! rasa mcm kerdilnya aku nie jika dibandingkan dengan meraka yang sungguh tinggi ilmu agama...ada yang sebaya, ada yang pangkat kakak abang dan ada juga berumur bawah dari umur aku...ilmu perlu dicari oleh itu tak hairanlah kalau ada adik2 belasan tahun pun tahu cara2 berdakwah dengan matang...bahasa yang digunakan mempunyai chemistry yang tersendiri supaya sebati dalam diri remaja sekarang...aku akui mereka dikalangan yang terbaik dari sisi akademik dan agama...sangat memdalam kecintaan meraka terhadap sang pencipta...kalau boleh aku pun ingin turut serta bersama2 mereka dalam berdakwah...tapi aku sungguh lemah...dalam akademik pun xsemua subjek yang aku impikan A akan dapat A, zaman kecilku dipenuhi oleh mcm2 warna yang melekat dalam hati aku...banyaknya warna2 yang gelap... dalam bab2 agama apatah lagi...sungguh memalukan...dalam fikiran banyak lagi hal yang tak berfaedah daripada yang berfaedah...harap semua yang berlalu itu xkan berulang kembali...biarlah aku berubah setapak demi setapak untuk menggapai keredhaanNya dan harap belum terlambat untuk aku lakukan semua itu...alhamdulillah aku dikurniakan rakan2 seperjuangan yang sangat istimewa dalam hidup aku sekarang...walaupun aku xdpt mempelajari semuanya ilmu2 agama yang ada pada mereka tetapi aku tetap bersyukur walaupun sedikit tetapi besar manfaatnya...cuba untuk berubah, cuba untuk cari ilmu, cuba untuk tambah iman...harap urusanku dipermudahkan...amin..

p/s: mak selalu suruh amalkan doa nie, terima kasih mak...<3 u...

credit: mr. google :)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Just An Assignment...=)

Assalamualaikum pembaca sekalian...<3

Blog yg sebelumnya ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris akan serta merta bertukar jadi bahasa melayu pada malam ini...hahaha...."Bahasa Menunjukan Bangsa!"

Tujuan penubuhan blog nie sebenarnya tidak pernah ada dalam fikiranku...disebabkan tuntutan sebagai pelajar aku menubuhkan blog ini sebagai bahan "assignment" untuk subjek ESP "English for Specific Purposes"...jap2, bukan aku sorang ja yg kena ada blog semua student yg ambik ESP terutamanya students IT (Information Technology) mesti kena ada...klu blog anda tidak wujud maka ia akan memberi kesan kepada carry marks, jgn main2 klu melibatkan carry marks nie...takut ohh klu tgk carry marks cikit, rasa mcm...em, mcm2 la rasa tambah2 klu dpt tau carry marks lepas abis final exam lepas tu plak time final exam lepas kita main tembak2 ja jawapan yg agak2 kena tapi xkena langsung,huhu...aku kalau menulis nie prefer guna dua2 bahasa...agak2 sedap aku belasah lebih kepada bahasa melayu la sbb lebih mengetahui maksud secara mendalam compare bahasa inggeris yg agak difficult to understand sbb aku lack of vocabulary, malas nk bukak dictionary...hehehe

Go back to true entry....ok, semua post yang ak buat sebelum yg nie semuanya adalah 'assignment'...aku dah buat yg terbaik hope carry marks pun my lecturer Miss Hafiza don't break my heart please give me the full marks in this paper, i'm just kidding,hehe...em, pasni aku rasa mcm nk jd penulis blog pulak la daripada menyimpan blog nie mnjadi block, x sanggup plak =( la kan cuti sem lama2 nie kadang2 boring jgk...drpd dok sign in, sign out facebook beberapa kali dalam satu hari lebih baik rancang cuti nie dengan pengisian yang baik...penuhkan apa yang kurang dalam diri...perbaiki diri kearah menuju kejayaan..cewah! Aku rasa mcm nk jadikan blog "AnaTilmizahJadidah" nie sebagai medium pengisian rohani, jasmani, intelektual dan sebagainya yang mendorong kearah kejayaan didunia dan akhirat...and no way to gosip! so, tak dak artis dalam dan luar negara kecuali yang mendorong kearah kejayaan...cewah!..

Dalam meniti fasa perubahan ini, aku akan berkongsi apa2 saja yang menunjukkan perubahan menuju kejayaan dalam blog nie...sharing is caring..right? so, aku akan pamerkan "picture and sentenses" bersama owner..supaya tidak menyakitkan hati mana2 pihak...dan aku turut akan mengembangkan kreativiti aku*bakat terpendam...buahahaha...dalam penulisan secara tidak formal...Disebabkan aku nie agak suka berimaginasi, jadi unsur2 cerita pernah jadi tp diolah semula supaya jadi lebih menjadi...jadi, cerita tu akan jadi "tidak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia, jika ada persamaan itu hanyalah kebetulan..." keh3...Dalam blog nie juga akan terkandung kisah perjalanku sebagai pelajar dari hari terima surat tawaran dan sampai kini di sebuah kolej yang barakah iaitu Kolej Universiti Insaniah,Kedah...Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan urusanku..."hasbunallah huwa niq mal wakil"...=)

Thursday 11 October 2012

English Song- InsyaAllah by Maher Zain-

Assalamualaikum my reader....:)

we're heard a lot of songs today...sometimes the songs don't give any means and the lyrics also so ache head so understands...the question is what the song was written to? many people's don't have the same opinion but for me the important of the song is about the lyric...and the muzic also must beautiful to heard because muzic is main purpose to get the listener listen to the song...then, there is genres of song's such as rock, indie, pop, hiphop, hard rock, mettle, screamo, jazz, reggae rap, blues, classical and nasyeed....and those the genres song's have a meaning like story about love, family, friends, motivation, and divine...
now, let we heard about my favourite english Maher Zain...:)

credit: Youtube

Lyric: InsyaAllah by Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go onYou feel so lostThat your so aloneAll you is see is nightAnd darkness all aroundYou feel so helplessYou can`t see which way to goDon`t despair and never loose hopeCause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah 2xInsya Allah you`ll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistakeYou feel you can`t repentAnd that its way too lateYour`re so confused,wrong decisions you have madeHaunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don`t despair and never loose hopeCause Allah is always by your sideInsya Allah 2xInsya Allah you`ll find your wayInsya Allah 2xInsya Allah you`ll find your way
Turn to AllahHe`s never far awayPut your trust in HimRaise your hands and prayOOO Ya AllahGuide my steps don`t let me go astrayYou`re the only one that showed me the way,Showed me the way 2xInsya Allah 2xInsya Allah we`ll find the way
There are lot of message in this song...first time I listen this song my mind just thinking about ALLAH...I admitted there are many of english divine song but this song was touched my heard, my mind and everything that i was done in my old me...i'm so thankful because don't let myself far away with my teen lust...and why i like this song is teach us don't give up in any situation that we have to tend...just raise your hands and pray then request our intent...Allah Most Mighty, HE's always be with us but we as slaves always forgot about HIM..the door of repentance always open to all muslims...and InsyaAllah you'll find the way...:)

credit: mr. google..:)

Thursday 20 September 2012

English Movie -Forrest Gump-

Assalamualaikum my beloved friends...(^_^)v

We watched many english movie on television or in cinema. Did you know, there are many genres of movies such as thriller, romantic, funny, sad, horror *hurmmm same ghosts* and lastly give inspirational to us...In my new entry, I would like to share and give my opinion about inspirational movie that give human touching to me and those who was watched it..The movie is...jeng..jeng..jeng..


Actually, I almost forget about this movie but still have the certains parts that i remember which touch my heart and certain part that i was laugh when watch it...I watched three times when I was standard 5 and in secondary school then in youtube to remain back the scenes that I was forgot. This movie never bored to those was watched it..:)

This movie tells us about life of children with authism that wore legs braces who interact and socialize with their environment. The struggle of a mother about her son who is 'different' to be recognized and accepted by the social environment  that is society. My first feeling when i watch are pity and happy to Forrest...because when he was bullied by cowardly children and spirit that he have to run away from them...

the best scene...Run! Forrest run! said Jenny..
credit: youtube

Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks with such extraordinary acting can turn Forrest Gump figure who considered dumb with an IQ below the average human being. Tremendous struggle of Forrest Gump to become outstanding human. Make difference and be meaningful to other people. The interesting thing about Forrest Gump where the application of human values that is becoming increasingly rare is that he remains agood guy. Forrest Gump may be regarded as an autistic child "stupid" but never do anything stupid, ridiculous harmful for other. Yes probably right as what is found in Forrest Gump that stupid it is to act stupid, stupid action or behavior that is destructive to others. Meaning ignorance not stupidity in perspective due to underdevelopment of access to education, lack of literacy.

A lot of moral values we can learn from this movie. First, we should not tired to be a good person, even though the environment has been harm and injustice. Let it go, God never sleeps, i the language of Forrest, miracle happens everyday! That's true, a miracle will come and God always got a way to prove it. It's just that we need to be consisitent. Second, holds promise, faithful in promise. Forrest, who was "autistic" that his firm's promises and implement its promise to struggle. It was a modest man. Third, life is a tension between the will of God and the struggle for hope or plan of man. In this sequel, so sweetly told that " life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get". Fourth, the lesson of humanity to treat all human beings equally.  No discrimination. Provide an opportunity for anyone, so heavy in this section.


  • " life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get"
  • " stupid is as stupid does"
  • " always be able to look back and say, at least I didn't lead no humdrum life"
  • " Jenny and me was always together, just like peas and carrots.."

sweet couple...:)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

-Why Do I Choose To Study In IT Program?-


Assalamualaikum to readers...see the post entry and the nice pictures...^^

I've post my last entry about myself and the course that I took is Information Technology (IT) and now let you'll know "why i choose to study in IT program".First of all, em...seriously I said that I never expected to took in IT program because I want to be a teacher that teaching the childrens at school. I think the childrens easy to listen our lesson and I love kids very much.Before I came here 'Insaniah University College', I got the offered in Bachelor of Education at University Tunku Abdul Razak(UNIRAZAK and now know as UMTECH). Yes, I admited..I was happy and want to further my study at there. Besides that, I was shocked because my best friend also got the same offered with me. Yes , I want to be there...All preperation to entering the University was planed prefectly by my friend and me . All the documents are already to send when registration day's and we're just count the day's to be a new student.But in the same time, I also got the offered to entering Insaniah University College but the registration day in December 2011 and the UNIRAZAK registration in September 2011. I've ignore the offered to entering Insaniah University College because so excited to entering the UNIRAZAK...Yeahhhh!!But...the dream left a dream...many problems I was to faced it...then I accepted the offered Insaniah University College with zero knowledge in IT..and start from the December last year I want to changes myself overall...slowly a muslimah..

BACK to the TRUE entry...^^

okey, why I choose to be a IT student?? the ANSWER is I've no choices,,that's because I want to learn all the interesting things in IT...before that I've just know how to use it but never know the application that used to made it and how the operating of certain program,hehe..there are many languages in IT that I've I know those knowledge about IT in my's so great ...kikiki
Secondly, knowing what programmers do with computers...hehe, the subject is Programming C++ that I took last semester and this semester I took Java Programming...the "easier" subject I think...I've learn how to do flowchart, psuedocode and the easier are coding, headache...
then, I've met again with Mathematics subject...I've left the subject almost 3 years,huhu...hard from me to remain all the calculation that I was learn in secondary school...but i think this subject quite easy too in semester 1 but in semester 2 my confidence about maths *no comment,hahaha...
On the other hand, I can decorate my laptop...edit the pictures, upload and download the movies, mucis,sotfware and everthing in the Internet...I enjoy working with computer..
Lastly, now the IT is part of our daily life..because of that I've to learn more about it, its help us to do work more efficiently and quickly...


p/s: Its very hard to accept something new in our life but we have learn to accept that and maybe its the way that will being success to us...-ATJ-

"Although we plan, ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the BEST of planners"
Surah Al-Anfal : 30

Thursday 26 July 2012

-Afizah Mansor-

Assalamualaikum my solehah and soleh friends^^...
Alhamdulillah, today is 7 Ramadan and have 3 weeks for RAYA!! *++excited,haha...hope all ibadah in this month will accept by Allah, insyaAllah...haiya bina!!..:)

I'll continue with post "Afizah Mansor"...
hehe, like the name of love song...:p
ok, just kidding....:)
Today the post about myself....^0^


             My name very short and concise...just Afizah Binti Mansor...easy to write and remember, I think...but sometimes my friends so hard to remember my name...I don't know why...>.<...
then I put my name 'FIZAH' to them call me easily...but certain of them call me 'EJAH'...its ok, like name popular actor bollywood "elijah wood",kikiki...:)...I'm 21 years old... still young and single...but never be owned,hihi...
About my family...big family...I've 8 siblings and added my parents all are 10...I feel very happy staying in big family ang I hoping my future family like my family^^
I've 4 sisters, 2 younger sisters and 1 younger brother...
I'm number 5...
My parents still working and next year my mother will retire..
my older sister was married and work as housewife and she have 1 daughter...
second sister also was married and work as teacher in secondary school also have 1 daughter...
my third sister still study she took Phd at Utm...*i don't know when she want to marry..>.<
my forth sister also still study she took master at Uum...
 2 younger sister still in secondary school and younger brother in primary school...

credit : my picture^^

-My Introduction in KUIN-

Starting 11/12/ life began in Kolej Universiti Insaniah (KUIN), Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia... I registered with new dresses...not because I was bought new dress but with new attitude...*I wore the give of my mother 'baju kurung' and 'tudung labuh'...syukran mak..:)

I took Bachelor Of Information Technology ( Multimedia Technology) with 3/10 knowledge about IT...ok easy to me give in percentage,hihi..because only a few of part in IT I known..hehe,im computer literacy ok...ect: login facebook, reading blog and surfing internet *++more...but studying in IT its to deep...explorer how to do coding, program the systems and everthing that can be head ache..but i'm still cool and want to finish it...I have to face it...^_^v

Many of students in KUIN took islamic Syariah, Usuludin, Lughah(Arabic Language), Al-Quran and Hadith...majority in islamic IT students can be minority...its small small..
After registered, I felt very sad because cannot found friends with same course... who those I asked new students they gave the same answered...all of them in islamic studies...I'm always forever alone...>.<....

After 2 weeks at there, I was met my friends that took the same course...only > friends very friendly and our classes very cheerful and so great..we came in different background but can share the goodness be continue..-ATJ-

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Why ATJ???

Assalamualaikum my beautiful and handsome friends^^
First of all, I want to say thank you because spend your time to read my is my first blog ok! so I'm little bit excited to write someting interesting about my BLOG and myself but busy with my studies...
Go back to our tittle "Why ATJ???".. it doesn't mean that I just put my blog what kind of name I like..its wrong ok...>.<
credit: mr google

Let me tell you'll why i choose to take ATJ as my blog name...ATJ is abbreviation from the name of "Ana Tilmizah Jadidah"... The name is in arabic language...
Ana = I'm..Tilmizah = Student...and...Tilmizah = New...
In english we can translate as "I'm New Student"...
and malay is " Saya Pelajar Baru"...
There are many stories I want to tell what the new in my life...
changes myself for sake of goodness...
I'm new in dresses with new at college and faculty...and new subject I've to learn 
such as IT subject and Arabic Language...
InsyaAllah, from this year I want to changes myself to be loyal muslimah..InsyaAllah...
hope I will 'istiqomah' in all what Ido now..
ok, to be continue...I'll write in another post soon...-ATJ-