Thursday 20 September 2012

English Movie -Forrest Gump-

Assalamualaikum my beloved friends...(^_^)v

We watched many english movie on television or in cinema. Did you know, there are many genres of movies such as thriller, romantic, funny, sad, horror *hurmmm same ghosts* and lastly give inspirational to us...In my new entry, I would like to share and give my opinion about inspirational movie that give human touching to me and those who was watched it..The movie is...jeng..jeng..jeng..


Actually, I almost forget about this movie but still have the certains parts that i remember which touch my heart and certain part that i was laugh when watch it...I watched three times when I was standard 5 and in secondary school then in youtube to remain back the scenes that I was forgot. This movie never bored to those was watched it..:)

This movie tells us about life of children with authism that wore legs braces who interact and socialize with their environment. The struggle of a mother about her son who is 'different' to be recognized and accepted by the social environment  that is society. My first feeling when i watch are pity and happy to Forrest...because when he was bullied by cowardly children and spirit that he have to run away from them...

the best scene...Run! Forrest run! said Jenny..
credit: youtube

Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks with such extraordinary acting can turn Forrest Gump figure who considered dumb with an IQ below the average human being. Tremendous struggle of Forrest Gump to become outstanding human. Make difference and be meaningful to other people. The interesting thing about Forrest Gump where the application of human values that is becoming increasingly rare is that he remains agood guy. Forrest Gump may be regarded as an autistic child "stupid" but never do anything stupid, ridiculous harmful for other. Yes probably right as what is found in Forrest Gump that stupid it is to act stupid, stupid action or behavior that is destructive to others. Meaning ignorance not stupidity in perspective due to underdevelopment of access to education, lack of literacy.

A lot of moral values we can learn from this movie. First, we should not tired to be a good person, even though the environment has been harm and injustice. Let it go, God never sleeps, i the language of Forrest, miracle happens everyday! That's true, a miracle will come and God always got a way to prove it. It's just that we need to be consisitent. Second, holds promise, faithful in promise. Forrest, who was "autistic" that his firm's promises and implement its promise to struggle. It was a modest man. Third, life is a tension between the will of God and the struggle for hope or plan of man. In this sequel, so sweetly told that " life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get". Fourth, the lesson of humanity to treat all human beings equally.  No discrimination. Provide an opportunity for anyone, so heavy in this section.


  • " life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get"
  • " stupid is as stupid does"
  • " always be able to look back and say, at least I didn't lead no humdrum life"
  • " Jenny and me was always together, just like peas and carrots.."

sweet couple...:)