Tuesday 14 August 2012

-Why Do I Choose To Study In IT Program?-

credit: mr.google

Assalamualaikum to readers...see the post entry and the nice pictures...^^

I've post my last entry about myself and the course that I took is Information Technology (IT) and now let you'll know "why i choose to study in IT program".First of all, em...seriously I said that I never expected to took in IT program because I want to be a teacher that teaching the childrens at school. I think the childrens easy to listen our lesson and I love kids very much.Before I came here 'Insaniah University College', I got the offered in Bachelor of Education at University Tunku Abdul Razak(UNIRAZAK and now know as UMTECH). Yes, I admited..I was happy and want to further my study at there. Besides that, I was shocked because my best friend also got the same offered with me. Yes , I want to be there...All preperation to entering the University was planed prefectly by my friend and me . All the documents are already to send when registration day's and we're just count the day's to be a new student.But in the same time, I also got the offered to entering Insaniah University College but the registration day in December 2011 and the UNIRAZAK registration in September 2011. I've ignore the offered to entering Insaniah University College because so excited to entering the UNIRAZAK...Yeahhhh!!But...the dream left a dream...many problems I was to faced it...then I accepted the offered Insaniah University College with zero knowledge in IT..and start from the December last year I want to changes myself overall...slowly step-by-step..be a muslimah..

BACK to the TRUE entry...^^

okey, why I choose to be a IT student?? the ANSWER is I've no choices,hehe...no..no..firstly,that's because I want to learn all the interesting things in IT...before that I've just know how to use it but never know the application that used to made it and how the operating of certain program,hehe..there are many languages in IT that I've learn...now I know those knowledge about IT in my mind...how's so great ...kikiki
Secondly, knowing what programmers do with computers...hehe, the subject is Programming C++ that I took last semester and this semester I took Java Programming...the "easier" subject I think...I've learn how to do flowchart, psuedocode and the easier are coding,huhu..so headache...
then, I've met again with Mathematics subject...I've left the subject almost 3 years,huhu...hard from me to remain all the calculation that I was learn in secondary school...but i think this subject quite easy too in semester 1 but in semester 2 my confidence about maths *no comment,hahaha...
On the other hand, I can decorate my laptop...edit the pictures, upload and download the movies, mucis,sotfware and everthing in the Internet...I enjoy working with computer..
Lastly, now the IT is part of our daily life..because of that I've to learn more about it, its help us to do work more efficiently and quickly...

credit: mr.google

p/s: Its very hard to accept something new in our life but we have learn to accept that and maybe its the way that will being success to us...-ATJ-

"Although we plan, ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the BEST of planners"
Surah Al-Anfal : 30